The reliable solution for bundling newspaper and corrugated boards!
Reach another level of efficiency and protect the environment at the same time
Minimizing downtime in strapping machines and maximizing their efficiency is key in industries like the corrugatedcardboard or printing industries, where every second counts. With TEWE® SoPRIM® , our new addition to TEUFELBERGER’sportfolio of strapping products, we contribute significantly to meeting these crucial requirements. This new generation of5 mm strapping takes the already well-established and proven qualities of TEWE® to yet another level.
It is not only the high quality in use that is absolutely convincing,but also the minimal impact on the environment. Last but not least, every operator will appreciate the lightweight character and greatease of handling of TEWE® SoPRIM® due to its unique packaging.

Easy on the Environment: help to protect this planet. Every day!
Sustainability has been our focus for decades - it’s in our DNA, naturally!
Recently, as a result of EU directives, waste and environmental aspects have been playing an increasingly important role in the market.Therefore, we are and have been thoroughly analyzing all our activities and processes. This begins with us c arefully choosing suppliers who weare sure share our philosophy, and continues with planning our production activities with a strong emphasis on reducing our global footprint.Packaging materials for TEWE® SoPRIM® are sourced locally. With our TEWE® SoPRIM® new product line, we take sustainability to another level.Use it and you will experience the difference immediately.
Reduce plastic
- With strapping, you are already using considerably less plastic material to bundle your package than with other packaging solutions. With TEWE® SoPRIM®, you can now further reduce the use of plastic for your packaging by up to 10%.
Efficient useage of material
- TEWE® SoPRIM® utilizes up to 10% less raw material for the same meterage. The production facilities for TEWE® SoPRIM® are equipped with a closed loop cooling water system whose environmental impact is only minimal.
Designed to recycle
- TEWE® SoPRIM® strapping and its packaging is 100% recyclable. TEWE® SoPRIM® coils are designed with only t wo materials: polypropylene and corrugated paper. This makes recycling them easy. Furthermore, all additives used are entirely free of heavy metals, and the product is fully REACH compliant.
Sustainable thinking
- TEWE® SoPRIM® straps have a lower CO2 emission than equivalent other straps
Easy to operate: a smooth strapping process is the result!
50 years of experience in producing 5 mm TEWE® PP strapping have brought us to where we are now with this new product. In-depthapplication expertise has made us re-analyze every step along the strapping process and has proven useful in developing a strapping productthat will make a difference. TEWE® SoPRIM® has been designed for all commercially available fully automatic 5 mm strapping machines.

1 First Strapping Cycle
Strapping tends to deform when it rests in the accumulator box for longer periods. This leadsto feeding issues when the strapping system is initiated again and the strapping might need tobe reinserted again. TEWE® SoPRIM® strapping exhibits superior stiffness and low deformation(= low memory effect). This allows your strapping system to start running immediately withoutany feeding issues.
- little deformation
- flawless first strapping cycles
2 Strap Feeding
The superior stiffness and structure of TEWE® SoPRIM® allow easy threading and minimizedust residues at the high-speed feeding wheel. The biggest advantage is the elimination ofstrapping jams. TEWE® SoPRIM® will have almost zero slipping when fed by the strappingsystem’s feeding wheels, leading to successful feeding in every single cycle.
- minimized dust residues
- zero slippage
- reduced downtime

3 Frame
For trouble free feeding, strap stiffness is essential. TEWE® SoPRIM® comes with optimalstrapping characteristics to ensure flawless feeding, no slippage and therefore no creation ofdust in the frame.
- less dust in the frame
4 Strap Tensioning
When tensioning the strap, the strap tensioning wheel of your strapping system will apply maximumstrain to your strap. Surface structure is important so that no slipping occurs between thestrap and the tensioning wheel of your system, since this could lead t o reduced tension on thepackaging and dust due to slipping. TEWE® SoPRIM® offers maximum traction and minimizesslipping at the tensioning wheel.
- no slippage
- reduced dust

5 Strap Joint Welding
The strap joint of a strap is always its weakest point. TEWE® SoPRIM® ensures maximum strapjoint strength without any major adjustments to welding temperature settings on your strappingsystem.
- no to little changes of machine setting necessary
Easy to handle: a new unloading and unpacking experience!
Health and safety of your staff is our highest priority. This is why we developed a packaging solution that safeguards both. Also, its great easeof handling helps you save valuable time.

Functional handles
The box is equipped with four handles, making it easier and safer tomove in an ergonomic way.

Tear-off strip
Easy opening without any additional equipment (like a knife)Reduces the possibility to damage the coil as w ell as possible injuries.

Reduced lifting effort
Compared to currently used strapping, TEWE® SoPRIM® is 10 % morelightweight. This facilitates loading the coil onto the dispenser of thestrapping system. In addition, the coil is fixed with PP straps and environmentallyfriendly cardboard pieces.The coil can be removed easily from the box, minimizing personal fatigueand potential damage to the coil flanges.
Applications for our new TEWE® SoPRIM®
After an intense period of product development and technological enhancement we are happy to offer you an even better user experience.Our new TEWE® SoPRIM® is designed in such a w ay as to cater even more to industry requirements and demands.

In no other industry are business cycle times and deadlines as tight asin the newspaper industry. Therefore, a trouble-free strapping processis key to ensuring on-time deliveries.The increased abrasion resistance and overall improved characteristicsof TEWE® SoPRIM® help reduce downtime, thus ensuring a faultlessstrapping process.

In the corrugated industry, high quality strapping is needed for a smoothand troublefree strapping process. The goal is to obtain a fast and securebundling process supported by the increased stiffness, the low edge bowlevel, and the reduced deformation of TEWE® SoPRIM®.
Using these products may involve hazards. Therefore, never use our products for any purposes other than those they are designed for.
Customers must ensure that all users are familiar with their correct use and the necessary safety precautions. Please keep in mind that any of the products may cause damage or harm when misused or overloaded.
TEUFELBERGER®, TYCOON®, TEWE®, and SoPRIM® are internationally registered trademarks of the TEUFELBERGER Group. Subject to technical modifications, typesetting and printing errors.