Job orientation at TEUFELBERGER
Before deciding to begin your apprenticeship at TEUFELBERGER, we are offering you several ways of getting acquainted with our company.
You can learn more about the apprenticeship programs on offer directly at our sites before you eventually decide on the career you want to pursue as an apprentice.
You can choose from among the following apprenticeship information packages:
- Tryout days at TEUFELBERGER
- Tour of a TEUFELBERGER plant for future apprentices
- TEUFELBERGER goes school': we introduce you to our company at your school
- Career & job information fairs
Barbara Riess
TEUFELBERGER Apprentice Trainer
"Thankfully, apprenticeships have regained their former high standing. Dual training programs, i.e. an apprenticeship combined with a high school degree, are in particularly great demand in Austria and have become a unique feature many countries are envious about. There can be no doubt that more young people should opt for this career path as industry in general needs more young men and women more urgently than ever before due to the present lack of skilled professionals."
Optimum preparation with Playmit
We recommend visiting the 'Playmit' online educational portal to get you in the best possible shape for your job interview and your aptitude test. Playmit will not only help you get thoroughly prepared for your job interview and your admission exam but also offers you the chance of winning awesome prizes and earn your Playmit certificate. You are welcome to enclose this certificate with your application documents.
Check out the Playmit educational program here